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Home Learning Timetables

Home Learning at NSG

All students will be expected to complement the learning they do in school with home learning.
At NSG, home learning is any learning that takes place outside of timetabled lessons.
Home learning at NSG has been designed to give students the opportunity to:

  • Revisit and review work covered
  • Check and test understanding
  • Apply and practise skills
  • Extend knowledge through further research and reading. 

Home learning tasks will be a combination of tasks set by the teacher, and independent learning tasks.

What the evidence says about the impact of home learning

Educational research evidence shows that there is a positive correlation between completing regular home learning tasks and student progress and achievement. In fact, over the course of an academic year a student’s progress can be accelerated by 5 months.
Independent learning projects have also been shown to have positive learning outcomes particularly on student motivation and commitment to a subject.  

Excellent habits for home learning

It is important to embed excellent habits for home learning when in Key Stage 3, and then maintain these in Key Stages 4 and 5. To support this, we have created home learning timetables for each Year group, outlining how long to spend on each subject, each week; including a timetable for the week to help students to spread their time appropriately across their subjects. These can be found on the links below.
If a student completes their assigned home learning tasks with time to spare, they should consolidate and extend their learning by attempting the independent learning tasks sign posted by their class teachers. For example, in maths students should attempt the Memri tasks on Hegarty Maths to review, memorise and extend prior learning. 


Home learning will be acknowledged and sometimes a sample collected in for a teacher to analyse for common mistakes. Sometimes home learning will be assessed for each individual for tracking progress and to give individual feedback.  

Communicating home learning

All home learning assignments are set via Edulink One. Students and parents will be able to check tasks that have been set on a daily basis. A link to Edulink One can be found HERE. Along with instructions on how to use the homework page HERE.

Parents/carers engagement with learning

As your child grows older, more emphasis is placed upon encouraging them to learn independently. Your role remains important by ensuring that:

  • You show an interest in your child’s learning and emphasise the value and importance of regular home learning
  • Your child manages and copes with the home learning workload
  • Home learning is completed by the deadline
  • If your child needs help, offer assistance and understanding. This can include reminding them to seek out support from their tutor or subject teacher at an appropriate time

Many tasks will require students to review and revise their learning.  It is very helpful to quiz your child on their learning on a regular basis.  The simple act of recall of a topic will support their ability to recall and apply knowledge in the future.